What is Barley and Barkway Schools Federation?

Sharon Brown, Federation Headteacher, Barley and Barkway Schools
Exciting times at Barley and Barkway Church of England VA Schools. From September 2017 the two schools are in a hard federation, working together very closely, sharing the very best of their resources and providing the children of both villages with a broad, balanced and exciting education. I am delighted to have appointed as Federation Head and look forward to working with all children, staff, governors, parents and our two village communities. On day one, we met to talk about our Federation Values.    
We want a federation where our children have fun, are happy and curious to learn.  They gain confidence and become independent learners, inspired and challenged by various learning experiences.  Individual needs are met and children make the best possible progress according to their abilities.  They are enthusiastic and love learning.  They flourish and grow in our setting and value their own and others' achievements.  

Christian Values  
We want a federation where our children are kind, tolerant, empathetic and charitable.  They are sensitive to others and work towards positive outcomes.  They respect all of God's creation and enjoy their Christian faith.  Children learn that the Christian faith is a worldwide community made up of different cultures and ethnicities.  They will learn to develop the vocabulary and understanding of the Christian faith and identify with Christian values.  

We want a federation where we know that our children are secure because we know we have the right policies and procedures in place to protect them and all understand and adhere to them.  We want everyone to feel safe, supported and comfortable, strong in the knowledge that they can express their views and be taken seriously.  We all respect the safety of others and as adults guide children so they know how to assess risk and keep themselves safe.  We action any issues of confidentiality.  We take mental and physical health very seriously and are pro-active in assuring all pupils have emotional resilience.  We have open partnerships with parents.